Lap Swim
Lap Swim is a great way to practice strokes and stay in shape.
Lap Swim Tips/Etiquette*
First come, first serve for claiming open lanes.
All swimmers are expected to share lanes.
Let people know you are entering a lane by dangling your feet in the pool or standing at the end of the lane before entering.
Modest swimwear is expected.
Be respectful of others sharing your lane.
Rest in the corner of the lap lane.
Be mindful of others waiting for a lane (during crowded times limit your lap time to one hour).
Treat others as you want to be treated.
*Refer to the Aquatics Schedule for specific times for Lap Swim. Please note that on occasion other organizations share pool space and lanes.
Pool Specifications
Length of Pool: 25 yards
Width of Pool: 15 yards
Lap: 50 yards (2 lengths of pool)
Swim a Mile: 1650 yards or 33 laps
Depth of the Pool: 3.5 feet - 11 feet - 3.5 feet
Temperature: 84 degree F - 85 degree F
The pool closes 15 minutes before the Y closes.